An Amazing Collection Of Persuasive Essay Topics

When writing a persuasive essay, you present your perspective and then support it with arguments. It differs from an argumentative essay, where every argument needs to be supported with a balance of evidence for each position. Here is a list of little explored topics to help you get started.

Climate change and migration. Will climate change result in an increase in migration globally? Immigration is always a hot topic. And, as scientistics say that climate change will affect populations globally, migration is becoming a good topic for heated conversation and debate.

The war on terrorism. This is the topic where one cannot go wrong when looking for controversy. With terrorism rates on the increase, it is questioned if governments will fight terrorism more effectively.

Using computers to grade the work of students. Can machines assign a mark to a paper? The issue of computer-assisted grading is very hot, and there is space for debate.

Bullying on social media. Because it is not clear how to protect children and teens from bullying, they remain vulnerable to abuse. This topic is emerging alongside proliferation of social media.

Restrictions on playing computer games. Should parents allow children to play games that endorse violence? This topic is little explored because of the games' popularity, but it is hot as many parents question if this is good for their children.

Street art as a valid contemporary art. Art can make a difference in the life of people, but it is not accessible to all. Street art is different since everyone can see it. This topic is both hot and not often explored.

Obesity in modern society. Is there a way to prevent obesity and create a healthy society? Some societies accept obesity as a new norm.

Growing own food. As it is becoming popular to grow own food in the backyard or even at home, some people prefer it an option. This topic is connected to economics, social change and society, and environmental studies.

Social commenting in newspapers. When major news or opinion pieces appears in the online version of newspapers, many people comment online. Some newspapers claim that this is not good. The topic is new and controversial.

Illegal immigrants and health care access. This topic is similar to the provision of public education to the children of illegal migrants. Should care be given to immigrants in any circumstances?

A persuasive essay will allow you to write about an issue that is not much explored and would merit from a debate. When you choose to write about one of these topics, you can persuade others and not just state the obvious or repeat what is highlighted in the media.

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