Hints On Writing Thesis Statements For Argumentative Essays

Argumentative essays are popular curriculum of High Schools and College. If you have to choose the topic or thesis statement yourself, carry an intensive research to pick the best topic and boost your grades.

Following points should be taken into consideration as you write the statement-

  1. Your statement should be concisely and well written.
  2. Remember, it is the base of your central argument.
  3. It should be part of the introductory paragraph for sure.
  4. It should be so written that audience come to know that your entire piece of writing is going to revolve around this. Emphasize on it at the beginning of the paper.
  5. The statement should make a piece of argument too. Since, it acts as a road map of your argument; it will be accountable for the development of your paper subsequently.
  6. The statement thoroughly explores various parameters with defendable evidences. It also provides the clue as in why the relevant argument is most pervasive.
  7. Furthermore, the statement is not statements of facts as they make a claim or argument.
  8. Thesis statement should also not be merely opinion statements. It should raise the points that are debatable. However, it should be such that it does not provide much information.
  9. The statement should be around one- two sentences long. It should be able to comment your position in regards to the topic. It should assist your writing keeping the argument in centre.
  10. It should sound impressive and grab the reader’s attention.
  11. The statement should highlight the chief points, ideas or the central message of the paper. It should be the base of your argument. If your statement is capturing the essence of your paper, it is the perfect one.
  12. If your statement is a lengthy one, you can even write it in the second paragraph. This would assist in establishing your firm position while giving the audience a sense of direction.

What should not be done while writing the statement?

  • Never bury the statement in the mid or the end of the paper.
  • Be specific, clear and to the point.
  • Avoid using vague words.
While writing or emphasizing on the significant points, never write like this- “The chief point of my paper is....

Furthermore, focus on one chief point and then proceed your paper. Avoid using subordinating conjunction or coordinating conjunction into picture. These make any statement a fuzzy and unfocussed statement. Never write generic thesis statement, instead it should be a crisp and extensive in nature. Ensure to carry at least 3 revisions before you finalize one.

Tags : thesisstatement, argument

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